Tuesday, May 22, 2007

8 Ideas To Avoid Boredom In Fitness

There are a lot of benefits in trying new workouts. Not only is it more motivating to give yourself different exercises to do, but your body and social life can benefit to. You'll meet different people, and by combining outdoor and indoor activities, you can get some fresh air and have a break from noisy, sweaty, and crowded gyms.

Perhaps more importantly, our bodies become conditioned to our exercise programs. We tend to focus on specific muscles during our routines, and by changing the activity we do, we can work more muscle groups without having to think about it too much. We start to see results more quickly if we vary our program regularly.

Here are some different fitness activities to try:

Aqua fitness takes on many styles, as the four examples below show:

Aqua boxing - a combination of taebox, tai chi, karate, and kickboxing. Aqua boxing is great for cardiovascular fitness, coordination, muscle control and flexibility.

Aqua cardio - using a buoyancy belt.

Low impact aqua classes - good for those recovering from injuries. This is done in shallow water.

Aqua pilates - pilates movements are done in the water to build core strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. If you haven't done pilates before, it might be best to try it on dry land first, as it may seem a bit harder in the water.

Check out your nearest aqua fitness center as there are no doubt more types of classes available.

Nordic walking - Even if you live in a country as dry as Australia, you can still get the benefits of a cross country ski workout. Essentially, this style of exercise mimics the gait of cross country skiing, and uses poles, but no skis, and no snow necessary. The poles make it an upper body workout as well, and the long strides are great for the legs and buttocks.

Pole dancing - This exercise is a favorite with some celebrities, including Teri Hatcher. It's a great cardiovascular workout, and helps improve confidence and body tone.

Duo training - This style of training is for two people. Each person provides resistance for the other, and you both get a workout at the same time. This is also a good way to motivate each other to stick to a fitness schedule. Now, instead of meeting for coffee or a drink, why not meet to workout together!

There are of course many other ways to add variety to our programs. Simply by adding weights to a cardio workout, using different machines, trying a different fitness DVD, or even going back to basics like using a skipping rope, cycling with varying intensity, or trying shorter workouts at a greater intensity. They key is to break any routine that your body and mind are settling into. Fitness becomes a lot more fun then, and there is nothing more motivating than fast results.

If you'd like to learn more about aqua aerobics, or perhaps you'd just like some aquatic exercise tips, click here.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Struggling to put on muscle? We've got 4 easy tips to help you really pack on size!

The guys in this magazine aren't exactly small. They know how to build muscle, and they know how to keep it. But what about all those people in America who aren't professional bodybuilders? What about you? Have you been struggling just to add a mere five pounds to your frame? If so, you're not alone. There are many like you who just can't seem to pack on solid size. But don't worry--you can do something about it. You can follow the steps outlined below. They're simple, they're straightforward, and they'll bring you results!

Step #1 -- Size Up Your Meal Plan

Three square meals a day ... this diet might work great for your fiftysomething dad, but it's not gonna do the trick for you. You're a bodybuilder, and as a bodybuilder, you need more grub than the average Joe. Not just for replenishment after workouts, but for extra muscle gain too.

So forget the number three. Instead, think five, six, or even seven. That's how many meals you should be eating; every day. It might sound like a lot of calories, but a lot of calories is exactly what you need right now. Eat too little, and you'll just end up burning what you consume during workouts or regular activity--which is just what you don't want. You're in bodybuilding to get bigger, not smaller.

Still, don't go nuts eating anything and everything in sight. Have too much junk food, and you'll just gain a bunch of soft, useless fat instead of muscle. The goal is to keep clean sources of food in your diet--and lots of them. That includes a good mix of carbs, healthy fats, and protein. As the building block of muscle, protein is absolutely essential to your diet. In fact, some nutritionists recommend consuming one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. Hey, we say to consume even more. Try one-and-a-half grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. After all, you have no excuse to be short on the stuff. Good sources of protein can be found in chicken breasts, egg whites, tuna, and supplements--just to name a few. So stock up, and start eating.

Step #2 -- Ditch the Girly Exercises

It's OK if you've been temporarily seduced by the fancy, shiny equipment in your gym. It happens to us all. But now that you're serious about putting on mass, it's time to go back to the basics. No more machines, no more push-downs, no more cables. Just free weights, and nothing but. Why the emphasis on dumbells and barbells? Because they build your muscles in a way that can't always be done with machines. Free weights tend to mimic real-life movements, and they also help build better balance and coordination.

Some basic exercises we suggest are deadlifts, squats, bench presses, shoulder presses, and dumbell rows. But don't be doing any of this "light weight, high reps" stuff. To put on mass, you've got to go heavy. It's the best way to challenge your body and build the muscle you dream of.

Step #3 -- Get Your Z's

We all have busy schedules, and sometimes it's hard to get a solid eight hours sleep. Sometimes, we'll even stay up later, just to get another workout in. That's not always a good thing, though. Think of it this way: A good night's rest allows the muscles you've broken down in your workout to recover. This, in turn, allows you to show up for your next training session fully recuperated and ready to lift big. Long story short, if you want to put on more mass, you need to get enough z's.

Step #4 -- Use Supplements to Your Advantage

You know you have to consume a ton of calories to get bigger, but knowing and doing are two different things. It can be hard to prepare so many meals in one day--especially if your schedule is a busy one. The problem is that even one missed meal can put you behind in your massbuilding mission. Remember: You should be eating approximately six meals a day to see your best gains.

To help you with this constant demand for calories, there's MASS-TECH[TM], an advanced weight-gain formula. This scientifically based supplement contains a precise combination of ingredients, unlike that of any other weight gainer. Each serving consists of 45 grams of high-quality protein, 150 grams of energy-producing carbohydrates, and 5 grams of fiber. There are also additional support ingredients in the mix, including the proprietary blend MASS-PRO[TM], to help jump-start your gains in mass.

Get Bigger by the Day

So now you know the drill. Keep your caloric intake high, train smart, rest lots, and--just as importantly--use MASS-TECH. You won't go wrong with a foolproof massbuilding plan like this. It's one that's used by the pros, and it's one that can work for you. In no time at all, you'll forget that building muscle was ever an issue!

COPYRIGHT Weider Publications

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Friday, May 4, 2007

Lessons for legs: How to correct the most common training errors found in five key lower-body exercises - Target Training

While watching the people working out beside you on leg-training days, have you noticed that although many work out religiously day in and day out, their lower bodies never seem to change? The absence of results is generally not for a lack of effort but rather because most people train ineffectively. Want to get results more quickly, exercise more safely and spend less time in the gym yourself? The key is to train smarter-not harder.

The problem is that most gym-goers learn how to weight train by watching others. They look for the people with the best builds and decide they must know what they're doing, forgetting that many fitness enthusiasts who looks good may have achieved this through a good dose of genetics rather than proper training. Before you know it, you may have picked up bad habits and poor technique just by watching others perform movements incorrectly.

Once you've ingrained a certain movement pattern into your brain, it's especially hard to break-but not impossible Let's examine the most common errors committed during some of the most popular exercises for the lower body, and explain how to fix them. We'll also provide a number of technique tips you can use as reference to ensure you're training correctly.


WHAT'S WRONG: Most people perform a step-up incorrectly by pushing up from the leg that's in contact with the floor. This produces a forward momentum that causes your knee to move beyond your toes and your upper body to lean into the lift. Actually, the working leg is the one up on the bench or step. To get the most bang for your buck from this exercise, raise your body off the floor by pushing through the foot of your forward leg. Your trailing leg should touch down lightly only for balance.

FIX IT: Stand in front of a bench or step with one foot on the bench. The bench should be at a height that puts your knee in a comfortable position -- a 90-degree bend is often used as a reference point, but this may be too deep an angle for you. (The stronger you get, the deeper the angle you can work from.) Keep your kneecap facing forward and your weight distributed on all four corners of your forward foot. Now slowly step up, pushing up with the leg on the bench, extending your body into a fully upright, balanced position without locking your knee joint. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Do all reps for one leg before switching sides.

Standing LEG CURL

WHAT'S WRONG: Many exercisers allow their backs to arch excessively while performing hamstring curls on leg-curl machines. This can cause unnecessary strain and possible injury to your lower back region.

FIX IT: If your back arches much beyond its natural curve, or you begin to lean into the machine with your upper body, decrease the resistance so you can maintain proper form. Position your body so your knees Fall just below the edge of the pad and are even with the machine's pivot point. Adjust the ankle pads so they rest just above your heels. Begin by contracting your hamstrings to curl your lower leg up toward your glutes. For maximal effectiveness, keep your abdominals contracted and your thighs pressed firmly into the pads. Slowly release to return to the starting position, being careful not to hyperextend your knee or let the hamstrings relax.


  • WHAT'S WRONG: Using a range of motion that's either too short and doesn't work the muscles sufficiently or too large so that your knees come right into your chest, pulling your lower back off the pad and putting excessive pressure on your knees and back.

Leg-press machines come in various positions -- seated, slightly reclined or fully horizontal. Regardless of the particular machine available to you, the technique is fairly similar. If you understand the basic concepts, you'll be able to set yourself up on any variation.

  • FIX IT: Start by placing your feet on the platform. If your knees are positioned too close to your chest or you're too far away and can't reach it, adjust the seat. Position the machine so that when you push out, you can fully extend -- but don't lock out -- your legs. When you slowly release the weight, you want to be able to lower it to the point where your knees bend about 90 degrees, a common reference point. (Don't go this low if it feels uncomfortable.)

A leg press is basically just an assisted squat movement, so the technique is somewhat similar to a squat exercise. Be sure your feet are positioned about hip-width apart and firmly planted. As with good squatting technique, when you're in a fully loaded squat position, don't allow your knees to extend past your toes.


WHAT'S WRONG: Stepping forward so that your front knee tracks beyond or too far behind your toes.

When you lunge, your front shinbone should be fixed perpendicular to the ground. If you allow your shinbone to move beyond your toes by taking a relatively short step or your knee tracks far behind your toes because you stepped too far forward, you risk placing excessive forces on your knee.

Some people question this, stating that in sports or daily activities, we're often required to bend down and lunge into a deep forward position. In real life, however, you're doing only one deep lunge at a time and never with dumbbells in hand or a barbell on your back.

FIX IT: For the stationary lunge, stand with one foot forward and the other back, feet approximately hip-width apart. Keep your front knee over the top of your ankle and your back knee underneath or slightly behind your hip. Slowly descend straight down -- your back knee should approach the ground but never touch -- keeping your front knee over the top of your ankle the entire time. Lower only as far as you feel comfortable. Keep your bodyweight positioned over your working (forward) leg. Maintain proper posture and keep your abdominals tight. Do all reps for one leg before switching legs.


WHAT'S WRONG: Rounding your back as you descend or rise puts unwanted pressure on your spine. This might occur if you use too much weight, even if you know proper form, because it's sometimes difficult to identify the problem as you execute the movement.

The squat is a complicated compound movement that requires picture-perfect technique every step of the way. Any number of poor habits can creep into your technique, decreasing the effectiveness of the movement and leading to injury. This is one you'll definitely want to work on with a trained expert to get it right the first time and every time.

FIX IT: Start by standing with your feet about hipwidth apart. Set your posture by keeping your lower back slightly arched, pressing your chest out and up and your shoulders back and down. Start by slowly squatting as if you're sitting on a chair while keeping your kneecaps pointing forward and, of critical importance, your head up (looking back at yourself in the mirror at eye level). Try to keep your weight equally distributed on all four corners of your feet throughout the movement. Descend to a comfortable position, typically about where your thighs are near parallel to the floor; longer-limbed individuals might have trouble going that low. Your upper body will come forward slightly while your glutes travel back, but keep the arch in your lower back and your head up. To come back up, press through your feet and push your hips forward in a smooth but strong motion.

COPYRIGHT 2002 Weider Publications

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Bodyweight Exercises: The fast track to fat loss

For years, I've been lucky to gain access to leading experts who have coached and provided me with the information I've needed to get my body into incredible shape ... and maintain it. This "insider" information has literally cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention years to pull it all together. Yet, even with a vast source of information, I'm amazed to learn something about nutrition, exercise and supplementation almost every day. That's why I'm truly excited to introduce you to a remarkable new product--LEAN-FIRE that I feel is probably ...

The Most Exciting Supplement Breakthrough for Losing Stubborn Bodyfat, Increasing Energy, and Attaining Your Best Body Ever!

It's not often that I come across a supplement that I want to tell everyone about, but LEANFIRE is truly that good. Let's face it, no matter how much you diet, we all hit plateaus and sticking points. I know I do! In fact, here's a couple of fat-loss problems I've recently encountered myself. First--the older you get, the harder it is to lose fat. Science has shown that as early as age 25, your body becomes more prone to gaining bodyfat--the kind that hovers around your midsection, abs, neck, hips and thighs. The reason is simple--metabolism slows down with age. I suppose you've even experienced this for yourself. So for many, it doesn't matter how well your diet is going, or how much exercise you do; the fat just doesn't seem to come off.

The other equally important problem is caused by frequent dieting. Over time, your body will stop losing fat at the same rate as it did when you first attempted to lose a few pounds. It's been explained to me that when either of these two problems kicks in, you've reached what's called your "fat loss set point." Now you may want to ask yourself if ...

Your Body Has Somehow Adapted to Everything You've Thrown At It. Every Diet and Exercise Program. Every Last Trick-Leaving You Searching for a Better, More Permanent Fat-Loss Solution.

If your answer is yes, don't worry, you're actually quite normal. But if you're anything like me, you don't want to be normal--you want to be Extraordinary--You Want to Stand Out! To gain the weight loss edge, you need a solution that is designed to overcome what nature has dealt you. The good news is that the previous information combined with exciting, new discoveries from the world of science lead me to believe we're on the verge of a whole new frontier in fat-loss and weight management technology. In fact, the word "exciting" might be an understatement! Let me explain. By focusing in on the factors associated with fat loss set-point, the INSTONE Expert Science Team began working toward a product formulation to help alter metabolism, energy systems, fat gain, and fat burning mechanisms. Looking back, it was a lofty goal. However, after 39 formulation changes and over 200 clinical studies reviewed, the INSTONE team finally came to me with a fat-loss product, LEANFIRE, that I believe goes beyond anything ever developed. I have been using LEANFIRE for over 5 months now, and to say the least I'm completely overwhelmed with the results. But don't just take my word for it ...

Here's How LEANFIRE Can Scientifically, Safely and Naturally Activate Your Metabolism ... No Matter What Your Age!

By now, you may be asking, how do I know LEANFIRE is a product that will work for me? The answer is simple, many people that can benefit the most from LEANFIRE are those who've reached "diminishing returns" or "plateaus" from their diet and/or exercise program, or feel their metabolism has slowed due to age or other factors. Here are some clues to help you determine if LEANFIRE is right for you:

[] Are you struggling to get back into top
shape, and need more energy, to exercise and
stay active?

[] Have you been exercising and watching your
diet, but your program has stalled and you're
no longer losing bodyfat?

[] Are you eating fewer and fewer calories, but
still not losing additional bodyweight or fat?

[] Are you on a Yo-Yo (lose/gain/lose/gain)
weight-loss cycle and can't break free?

[] Are you gaining weight, even when using a
diet and exercise program that once worked
so well for you?

If you checked any of the boxes, LEANFIRE may be the perfect product to kick-start your fat-loss program. Here's why:

According to Peter Miller, the VP of Product Development at my company INSTONE, "Your body is extremely complex, and has built-in mechanisms that work to keep your metabolic rate in, what it perceives to be, a 'normal range'. This normal range is "adjusted constantly reacting to various circumstances. Fat loss set points are basically your body's way of protecting itself against what it determines to be 'threats' to its otherwise, 'don't rock the boat, keep things as is' environment. In other words, your body is actually designed to work against you, unless, of course, you do the right things to alter the playing field. And needless to say, nobody's perfect, so with LEANFIRE you don't have to be.

Ingrediens in LEANFIRE have been designed to promote optimal thyroid function. Recent research suggests that by maximizing the body's natural conversion of thyroid hormone, from its inactive form (T4) to the active form (T3), metabolic rate and hence fat burning increases. This is truly the next frontier in maximizing fat loss."

I also want to mention that unlike other less effective products on the market, LEANFIRE contains two diverse, yet synergistic, ingredient stacks--one promoting lean body mass and increasing metabolism, the other, stimulating energy--in one easy-to-use formula. This makes LEANFIRE an absolute value-based supplement that can deliver serious results. And allow you to ...

Train Harder, Longer and with Maximum Intensity!

One component that is missing in many fat loss programs is workout intensity. The stress of reducing calories and maintaining a serious workout regimen can cause your training intensity to fall. When this happens, your body is more likely to lose muscle--putting the brakes on attaining your best body! LEANFIRE attacks this problem by delivering a potent blend of energy-enhancing ingredients that allow you to train at your peak--even while dieting.

The Conclusion

Keep in mind; LEANFIRE is not a miracle pill. There's no such thing. Rather, LEANFIRE carefully delivers science-backed, powerful ingredients, in precise ratios and amounts that work in concert to dramatically affect your body's metabolic function; maximizing your energy levels and working to keep your appetite in check.

Now it's your turn to put this information and LEANFIRE to work for you. Take LEANFIRE and finally build that lean, muscular body you deserve. Health and Fitness is about taking action and being consistent. So ACT NOW!


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Bogafora R. et al. Education of the Effect of a Single Dose of a Phytoadaptogen on the Working Capacity of Human Subjects During Prolonged Isolation. 1997; 31(4):51-54.

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Musa A. et al. Effect of Rhodiola rosea and Rhodiola crenulata root extracts on ATP content in Muscle Mitochondria. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2003; 136 (12) 664-666.


COPYRIGHT 2005 Weider Publications
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group

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