Tuesday, February 6, 2007

How work very intensive 2 minute bodyweight workouts!

Just because the holiday season is upon us does not mean that we have to abandon our  Bodyweight workouts, you can grab a quick Bodyweight workout in as little as 1 to 2 minutes a day.

How can you get a Bodyweight workout in only 1 to 2 minutes a day ? With a quick bodyweight workout. This is a great stress reliever not to mention a great way to give yourself a boost when your energy is low.

Most people think that there is no way that they can get a workout in only 1 or 2 minutes a day, I disagree.

The concept is that if you stop exercising around the holidays or for any undetermined amount of time you will have a harder time getting back into it.

There are very few reasons to skip your workouts, the number 1 reason is there is no time, this is just an excuse to make us feel good about not following through, the easy way out.

We don't need a gym or have to go out and jog for 30 minutes to stay on track, what you need to do is learn that if you make exercise a way of life it will be easier to follow and you will always find time to squeeze a workout in.

Would you go a day without showering ? How about a day without brushing your teeth ? If you do both of these everyday doesn't it make sense to do something for your health and fitness on a daily basis.

My philosophy is get in whatever workout you can, I don't care if it's only doing 25 pushups, which should take no more then 30 seconds, then this leaves you with the I can always find time and there is no excuse mentality.

What if you did only 25 pushups or situps a day, that would be 175 pushups or situps a week or 9,125 a year seems like alot, yet it's only 25 pushups situps a day, so in only 30 seconds a day you can do 9,125 pushups or situps in 1 year.

A 1 or 2 minute short workout 1 or 2 times a day can get you back on track if you are feeling a little short on energy.

If you don't think you can get a workout in 1 or 2 minutes a day try 1 of the following short workouts.

1. Pushups -1 minute

Situps -1 minute

2. Jumping Jacks -1 minute

Pushups -1 minute

3. Bodyweight Squats -1 minute

Pushups -1 minute

4. Jumping Jacks -1 minute

Bodyweight Squats -1 minute

Do these as fast and explosive as possible.

Believe it or not 1 minute will probably be to long for most, this is a fact, so if 1 minute is to long try doing the workouts for 30 seconds, see you can get in a short effective workout in 1 to 2 minutes a day.

John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training. He has over 25 years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual and the New expanded version The Wildman Training Course, For more info http://www.wildmantraining.com

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