Thursday, May 10, 2007

Struggling to put on muscle? We've got 4 easy tips to help you really pack on size!

The guys in this magazine aren't exactly small. They know how to build muscle, and they know how to keep it. But what about all those people in America who aren't professional bodybuilders? What about you? Have you been struggling just to add a mere five pounds to your frame? If so, you're not alone. There are many like you who just can't seem to pack on solid size. But don't worry--you can do something about it. You can follow the steps outlined below. They're simple, they're straightforward, and they'll bring you results!

Step #1 -- Size Up Your Meal Plan

Three square meals a day ... this diet might work great for your fiftysomething dad, but it's not gonna do the trick for you. You're a bodybuilder, and as a bodybuilder, you need more grub than the average Joe. Not just for replenishment after workouts, but for extra muscle gain too.

So forget the number three. Instead, think five, six, or even seven. That's how many meals you should be eating; every day. It might sound like a lot of calories, but a lot of calories is exactly what you need right now. Eat too little, and you'll just end up burning what you consume during workouts or regular activity--which is just what you don't want. You're in bodybuilding to get bigger, not smaller.

Still, don't go nuts eating anything and everything in sight. Have too much junk food, and you'll just gain a bunch of soft, useless fat instead of muscle. The goal is to keep clean sources of food in your diet--and lots of them. That includes a good mix of carbs, healthy fats, and protein. As the building block of muscle, protein is absolutely essential to your diet. In fact, some nutritionists recommend consuming one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. Hey, we say to consume even more. Try one-and-a-half grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. After all, you have no excuse to be short on the stuff. Good sources of protein can be found in chicken breasts, egg whites, tuna, and supplements--just to name a few. So stock up, and start eating.

Step #2 -- Ditch the Girly Exercises

It's OK if you've been temporarily seduced by the fancy, shiny equipment in your gym. It happens to us all. But now that you're serious about putting on mass, it's time to go back to the basics. No more machines, no more push-downs, no more cables. Just free weights, and nothing but. Why the emphasis on dumbells and barbells? Because they build your muscles in a way that can't always be done with machines. Free weights tend to mimic real-life movements, and they also help build better balance and coordination.

Some basic exercises we suggest are deadlifts, squats, bench presses, shoulder presses, and dumbell rows. But don't be doing any of this "light weight, high reps" stuff. To put on mass, you've got to go heavy. It's the best way to challenge your body and build the muscle you dream of.

Step #3 -- Get Your Z's

We all have busy schedules, and sometimes it's hard to get a solid eight hours sleep. Sometimes, we'll even stay up later, just to get another workout in. That's not always a good thing, though. Think of it this way: A good night's rest allows the muscles you've broken down in your workout to recover. This, in turn, allows you to show up for your next training session fully recuperated and ready to lift big. Long story short, if you want to put on more mass, you need to get enough z's.

Step #4 -- Use Supplements to Your Advantage

You know you have to consume a ton of calories to get bigger, but knowing and doing are two different things. It can be hard to prepare so many meals in one day--especially if your schedule is a busy one. The problem is that even one missed meal can put you behind in your massbuilding mission. Remember: You should be eating approximately six meals a day to see your best gains.

To help you with this constant demand for calories, there's MASS-TECH[TM], an advanced weight-gain formula. This scientifically based supplement contains a precise combination of ingredients, unlike that of any other weight gainer. Each serving consists of 45 grams of high-quality protein, 150 grams of energy-producing carbohydrates, and 5 grams of fiber. There are also additional support ingredients in the mix, including the proprietary blend MASS-PRO[TM], to help jump-start your gains in mass.

Get Bigger by the Day

So now you know the drill. Keep your caloric intake high, train smart, rest lots, and--just as importantly--use MASS-TECH. You won't go wrong with a foolproof massbuilding plan like this. It's one that's used by the pros, and it's one that can work for you. In no time at all, you'll forget that building muscle was ever an issue!

COPYRIGHT Weider Publications

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